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PSC Industries

Sealing, Insulating, And Quieting The World

Preventing Trips and Fall Injuries

By Jerry Binkley

One of the most crucial aspects of working in manufacturing is maintaining a safe work environment. Slip, trip, and fall injuries are one of the most common types of personal injuries in the workplace. One out of five falls cause a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury. Falls from the same level and heights are the leading cause of industrial deaths and serious injuries. Slips, trips, and falls are 100% preventable with attention to housekeeping and awareness of your surroundings.


Preventing Slips:

Slips can be caused by wet surfaces, spills, or weather hazards. Slips are more likely to occur when you hurry or run, wear the wrong kind of shoes, or don’t pay attention to where you’re walking. You can help avoid slips by practicing safe walking skills.

To practice safe walking, follow these safety precautions:

  • Take short steps on slippery surfaces to keep your center of balance under you.
  • Clean up spills right away. Even minor spills can be very dangerous.
  • Don’t let grease/oils accumulate at your work place.
  • Be extra cautious on smooth surfaces – always wear proper shoes with appropriate treading.

Preventing Trips:

Trips occur whenever your foot hits an object and you are moving with enough momentum to be thrown off balance. You can minimize trips by removing any and all tripping hazards from the work area. A clean and organized workspace is a safe workspace.

To avoid tripping hazards, follow these safety precautions:

  • Make sure you can see where you are walking. Don’t carry loads that you cannot see over.
  • Keep the workplace clean and tidy. Store materials and supplies in the appropriate storage areas.
  • Arrange furniture and equipment so that it doesn’t interfere with walkways or pedestrian traffic in your area.
  • Properly maintain walking areas and notify your supervisor regarding potential hazards.